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Thursday, December 6, 2007


| BasiliX - Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Murat Arslan |
| Contributions from: |
| Mike Peters |

// This file includes several useful functions..
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// You may want to set this, if when attaching a file to the message the connection
// hangs up due to time out.

// get an array containing some configuration details
function get_conf()
$conf = array();
// Should we use javascript?
$conf['is_js'] = $_GET['is_js'];
else if($_POST['is_js']){
$conf['is_js'] = $_POST['is_js'];
else {
$conf['is_js'] = 0;
// Are we using ssl?
$conf['is_ssl'] = $_GET['is_ssl'];
else if($_POST['is_ssl']){
$conf['is_ssl'] = $_POST['is_ssl'];
else {
$conf['is_ssl'] = 0;
// All domains?
$conf['is_alldomains'] = $_GET['is_alldomains'];
else if($_POST['is_alldomains']){
$conf['is_alldomains'] = $_POST['is_alldomains'];
else {
$conf['is_alldomains'] = 0;
return $conf;

function url_redirect($url = "") {
$conf = get_conf();
$is_ssl = $conf['is_ssl'];
$is_js = $conf['is_js'];
$is_alldomains = $conf['is_alldomains'];

if($url == "") $url = $BSX_BASEHREF;
if($is_ssl || $GLOBALS["SERVER_PORT"] == 443) {
if(eregi("\?", $url))
$url .= "&is_ssl=" . ($is_ssl > 0 ? $is_ssl : 1);
$url .= "?is_ssl=" . ($is_ssl > 0 ? $is_ssl : 1);
$url = ereg_replace("http://", "https://", $url);
if($is_js) {
if(eregi("\?", $url))
$url .= "&is_js=" . $is_js;
$url .= "?is_js=" . $is_js;
if($SESSID) {
if(eregi("\?", $url))
$url .= "&SESSID=" . $SESSID;
$url .= "?SESSID=" . $SESSID;
if($is_alldomains) {
if(eregi("\?", $url))
$url .= "&is_alldomains=" . $is_alldomains;
$url .= "?is_alldomains=" . $is_alldomains;
Header("Location: " . $url);

// gets the array index of a domain
function domain2index($domain) {
global $bsx_domains, $bsx_domains_cnt;
$domain1 = strtolower($domain);
for($i = 0 ; $i < $bsx_domains_cnt ; $i++) {
$domain2 = strtolower($bsx_domains[$i]["domain"]);
if($domain1 == $domain2) return $i;
return -1;

// gets the domain name of an index
function index2domain($indx) {
global $bsx_domains;
$domain = $bsx_domains[$indx]["domain"];
if($domain == "") return false;
return $domain;

// Turkce karakterler (turkish characters)
// tr -> us
// 199 -> 67
// 208 -> 71
// 214 -> 79
// 220 -> 85
// 221 -> 73
// 222 -> 83
// 231 -> 99
// 240 -> 103
// 246 -> 111
// 252 -> 117
// 253 -> 105
// 254 -> 115

function make_readable($name) {
$newname = "";
for($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($name) ; $i++) {
$z = ord($name[$i]);
switch($z) {
case 199:
$newname .= chr(67);
case 208:
$newname .= chr(71);
case 214:
$newname .= chr(79);
case 220:
$newname .= chr(85);
case 221:
$newname .= chr(73);
case 222:
$newname .= chr(83);
case 231:
$newname .= chr(99);
case 240:
$newname .= chr(103);
case 246:
$newname .= chr(111);
case 252:
$newname .= chr(117);
case 253:
$newname .= chr(105);
case 254:
$newname .= chr(115);
$newname .= chr($z);
// we converted the tr chars to us chars

// now we need to get rid of unreadable chars
// i.e we allow: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and blank
$name2 = $newname;
$newname = "";
for($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($name2) ; $i++) {
$z = ord($name2[$i]);
if($z == 32) $newname .= " ";
if(($z < 48) || (($z > 57) && ($z < 65)) ||
(($z > 90) && ($z < 97)) || ($z > 122)) continue;
$newname .= $name2[$i];
return $newname;

// convert the size in bytes to kB/mB
function convert_size($byte) {
if($byte == 0) // no need to calculate
return "0kB";
if($byte < 1000) // i guess users dont want to see the size like 1020 bytes
return "$byte" . " B";
$rem = $byte / 1024.0;
$kb = sprintf("%.1f", $rem);
$remkb = sprintf("%d", $rem);
if($remkb < 1000) // kilobytes is ok
return "$kb" . "kB";
$rem2 = $remkb / 1024.0;
$mb = sprintf("%.1f", $rem2);
return "$mb" . "mB"; // finally megabytes

// simple decrypt of a string
function decode_strip($str) {
$str2 = stripslashes(urldecode($str));
return trans_tr($str2);

function decode_mime($string) {
if(eregi("=?([A-Z,0-9,-]+)?([A-Z,0-9,-]+)?([A-Z,0-9,-,=,_]+)?=", $string)) {
$coded_strings = explode('=?', $string);
$counter = 1;
$string = $coded_strings[0];
while($counter < count($coded_strings)) {
$elements = explode('?', $coded_strings[$counter]);
if(eregi("Q", $elements[1])) {
$elements[2] = str_replace('_', ' ', $elements[2]);
$elements[2] = eregi_replace("=([A-F,0-9]{2})", "%\\1", $elements[2]);
$string .= urldecode($elements[2]);
} else {
$elements[2] = str_replace('=', '', $elements[2]);
if ($elements[2]) { $string .= base64_decode($elements[2]);
if(isset($elements[3]) && $elements[3] != '') {
$elements[3] = ereg_replace("^=", '', $elements[3]);
$string .= $elements[3];
$string .= " ";
return $string;

function handle_emails($str) {
$conf = get_conf();
$is_ssl = $conf['is_ssl'];
$is_js = $conf['is_js'];

$url = $BSX_BASEHREF . "/" . $BSX_LAUNCHER . "?RequestID=CMPSNEW&premail=-1";
if($SESSID) $url .= "&SESSID=$SESSID";
if($is_js) $url .= "&is_js=$is_js";
if($is_ssl || $GLOBALS["SERVER_PORT"] == 443) $url .= "&is_ssl=" . $is_ssl;
$url .= "&cmps_to";
"<a href='$url=\\1'>\\1< /a>", $str));
function handle_urls($str) {
// Replaced with handle_links
return handle_links($str);
function handle_links($str) {
// Slip in a target='_new' to existing tags
$str = preg_replace("/(?<=<a href=\')((news|(ht|f)tp(s?):\/\/).*?)[\'>]/ie", "'\\1'.'\' target=\'_new\' '", $str);
// Make links of text mail, news, ftp, ftps, http and https addresses
$str = handle_emails($str);
$str = preg_replace("/(?<!<a href=\')((news|(ht|f)tp(s?):\/\/)[^\s]*)[^\'>]/ie", "'<a href=\''.'\\1'.'\' target=\'_new\' >'.'\\1'.'</a>'", $str);
return $str;

function put_ahref($href, $name, $linkid = "", $title = "") {
$conf = get_conf();
$is_ssl = $conf['is_ssl'];
$is_js = $conf['is_js'];

$url = $GLOBALS["BSX_BASEHREF"] . "/" . $GLOBALS["BSX_LAUNCHER"] . "?" . $href;
if($is_js) $url .= "&is_js=" . $is_js;
if($is_ssl || $GLOBALS["SERVER_PORT"] == 443) $url .= "&is_ssl=" . $is_ssl;
if($GLOBALS["expand_folders"]) $url .= "&expand_folders=1";

$output = "<a href=\"$url\"";
if($linkid != "") $output .= " id=\"$linkid\"";
if($title != "") $output .= " title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "\"";

$output .= ">$name</a>";
echo $output;

function nbsp($str) {
if(is_string($str)) {
if(empty($str)) return " ";
return " $str ";
return " $str ";

function start_form($name, $extra = "") {
global $is_ssl;

$posturl = $BSX_BASEHREF . "/" . $BSX_LAUNCHER;
echo "<form name=\"$name\" method=\"POST\" action=\"$posturl\" $extra>\n";

function stop_form() {
global $is_nocookie, $is_alldomains;
$conf = get_conf();
$is_ssl = $conf['is_ssl'];
$is_js = $conf['is_js'];
$is_alldomains = $conf['is_alldomains'];

echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SESSID\" value=\"$SESSID\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"is_js\" value=\"$is_js\">";
if($is_ssl | $GLOBALS["SERVER_PORT"] == "443")
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"is_ssl\" value=\"$is_ssl\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"is_nocookie\" value=\"$is_nocookie\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"is_alldomains\" value=\"$is_alldomains\">";
echo "</form>\n";

// push the pages of the mbox
function push_pages($nmsgs) {
global $sort, $fromMsg, $fromPage, $lng, $mbox, $nextPage, $prevPage;
global $pluspsize;
// TODO: get user set using a function
$user_set = $_COOKIE['user_set'];
$fromPage = $_GET['fromPage'];
$fromMsg = $_GET['fromMsg'];
$nextPage = $_GET['nextPage'];
$prevPage = $_GET['prevPage'];

// print the More pages stuff
// --
// well, this is not necessary for most of us, but hey, may be we use this feature?
// --
// this routine is written just for the people who has hundreds (may be thousands) of messages
// staying just in one mailbox.
// --
// kinda complicated stuff but it works.
// --
$pages = ceil($nmsgs / $user_set["psize"]);
$pgcnt = 0;
if($pages != 1) { // if we have pages
echo $lng->p(228);
if($fromPage) {
$prevPage = $fromPage - 10; // if we are not on the firstPage
if($fromPage * $user_set["psize"] == $fromMsg) $prevMsg = $fromMsg - $user_set["psize"]; // if this page is x1 (e.g 21, 31, 41, etc)
else $prevMsg = $fromMsg - (10 * $user_set["psize"]); // if this page is x1 make it (x-1)1 (e.g 23 -> 13, 45 -> 35, etc)
put_ahref("RequestID=MBOXLST&mbox=" . urlencode($mbox) . "&sort=" . $sort . "&fromMsg=" . $prevMsg . "&fromPage=" . $prevPage, " « ");
} else $fromPage = 0;
for($i = $fromPage ; $i < $pages ; $i++, $pgcnt++) {
$this_from = $i * $user_set["psize"];
if($pgcnt == 10) {
$nextPage = $i;
if(($nextPage - 1) * $user_set["psize"] == $fromMsg) $nextMsg = $fromMsg + $user_set["psize"];
else {
$nextMsg = $fromMsg + (10 * $user_set["psize"]);
if($nextMsg > $nmsgs) // what if the next page does not exist?
$nextMsg = $nextPage * $user_set["psize"]; // if so, make the next page the first page of the next 10
put_ahref("RequestID=MBOXLST&mbox=" . urlencode($mbox) . "&sort=" . $sort . "&fromMsg=" . $nextMsg . "&fromPage=" . $nextPage, " »");
break; // not user set (max 10 "more pages")
$j = $i + 1;
if($pgcnt) echo " <small>·</small> ";
if($this_from != $fromMsg)
put_ahref("RequestID=MBOXLST&mbox=" . urlencode($mbox) . "&sort=" . $sort . "&fromMsg=" . $this_from . "&fromPage=" . $fromPage, $j);
else echo "<b>$j </b>";

// attach the nextPage stuff to the Previous|XXX|Next.
if((($fromPage + 1) * $user_set["psize"]) == $pluspsize) $prevPage = $fromPage - 10;
else $prevPage = $fromPage;
if((($fromPage + 10) * $user_set["psize"]) == $pluspsize) $nextPage = $fromPage + 10;
else $nextPage = $fromPage;

function push_errinfo() {
global $err_msg, $info_msg;
if(!empty($err_msg)) {
echo "";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "
echo "\n";
} else if(!empty($info_msg)) {
echo "";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "
echo "\n";

function push_pagehdr() {
$m = $GLOBALS["pagehdr_msg"];
$u = $GLOBALS["username"];
$d = $GLOBALS["domain_name"];
echo "";
echo "
echo $m . ":< /b> " . $u . "@" . $d;
echo "

// select box for settings
function push_langs() {
global $bsx_lang;
global $set_lang;

echo "<select name='set_lang' size='1'>\n";
for($i = 0 ; $i < count($bsx_lang) ; $i++) {
echo "\n";
echo "</select>\n";

// build the js array for theme preview
function push_jsthemes() {
global $bsx_theme;

echo "\n";

// select box for themes
function push_themes() {
global $bsx_theme, $set_theme, $theme_stats;

echo "<select name='set_theme' size='1' onChange='javascript:previewTheme(\"$BSX_BASEHREF\", this);'>\n";
for($i = 0 ; $i < count($bsx_theme) ; $i++) {
if(!$bsx_theme[$i]["active"]) continue;
echo "\n";
echo ">" . $bsx_theme[$i]["desc"] . "\n";
echo "</select>\n";

// if the server basilix runs on has lots of virtual domains, and if you want their
// users use this webmail system, they need to select their domain from the select box
// and login. so if the user types "abc.com" as an address which is one of the virtual domains
// hosted on that machine, we'll push him a login form not selectable but abc.com instead.
function check_desired_domain() {
global $bsx_domains, $bsx_domains_cnt;

$http_host = strtolower($GLOBALS["HTTP_HOST"]);
for($i = 0 ; $i < $bsx_domains_cnt ; $i++) {
if(strtolower($bsx_domains[$i]["domain"]) == $http_host) return $i;
return -1;

// safe exec
function sexec($cmd) {
// cleanup the cmd to prevent running of shell commands
// on exec() call.
$cmd = eregi_replace("[^-A-Za-z0-9_/\. ]", "", $cmd);

// correct strings (if they have "../")
function sstrings() {
$okg = 0;
while(list($gk, $gv) = each($GLOBALS)) {
if($okg || $gk == "PHP_SELF") {
if(is_string($GLOBALS[$gk])) {
$GLOBALS[$gk] = ereg_replace("\.\./", "", $gv);
$okg = 1;


// correct turkish chars wrt the translation table
// @TODO Is this needed if we are using encoding correctly? It seems like a
// lot of overhead for all but a limited number of users.
function trans_tr($str) {
$trans = array(
"ı" => "",
"ğ" => "",
"ş" => "",
"Ğ" => "",
"Ş" => "",
"İ" => ""
return strtr($str, $trans);

// Remove unwanted html tags
function removeEvilTags($source)
$allowedTags = '< h1><b><br><br /><i><a><ul><li> < pre>
< blockquote>< img>';
//$source = nl2br($source);
$source = strip_tags($source, $allowedTags);
return preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<'.removeEvilAttributes('\\1').'>'", $source);

// Remove unwanted attributes from the allowed tags
function removeEvilAttributes($tagSource)
$stripAttrib = 'javascript:|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|'.
return stripslashes(preg_replace("/$stripAttrib/i", 'forbidden', $tagSource));

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