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Thursday, December 6, 2007


| BasiliX - Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Murat Arslan |
| Contributions from: |
| Mike Peters |

// Folder related functions, create mbox, folder list, etc..
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function crt_sentmail($imap) {
if(@$imap->crtmbox($BSX_MDIR . $BSX_SENTMAIL_NAME) == false)

function crt_trash($imap) {
global $BSX_TRASH_NAME, $BSX_MDIR, $lng;
global $IMAP_STYPE;
if(@$imap->crtmbox($BSX_MDIR . $BSX_TRASH_NAME) == false)

function folder_list(&$total, &$mbox_cnt, $stype) {

// list the folders of the user
$total["msg"] = 0;
$total["size"] = 0;
$total["unread"] = 0;

// first inbox
$inbox_info = $imap->mboxinfo();
$inbox_nmsgs = $inbox_info->Nmsgs;
$inbox_unread = $inbox_info->Unread;
$inbox_size = $inbox_info->Size;
$mboxes[0]["name"] = "Inbox";
$mboxes[0]["unread"] = $inbox_unread;
$mboxes[0]["nmsgs"] = $inbox_nmsgs;
$mboxes[0]["size"] = convert_size($inbox_size);
$total["msg"] += $inbox_nmsgs;
$total["size"] += $inbox_size;
$total["unread"] += $inbox_unread;

// then other mboxes

if($stype == 2 || $stype == 3) { // Courier or Cyrus
$other_list = $imap->lstmbox($BSX_MDIR . "%");
// courier 0.21 returns array to function imap_listsubscribed()
// whereas 1.3.8 returns "string".
// weird..
$sep = "}";
} else { // wu-imapd
$other_list = $imap->lstmbox($BSX_MDIR . "%");
$sep = "/";

if($stype == 3) {
$sent_mail_ok = 0;
for($i = 0 ; $i < count($other_list) ; $i++) {
$str2 = $other_list[$i];
$str2_arr = explode($sep, $str2);
$str2_mbox = $str2_arr[1];
$str2_mbox_arr = explode(".", $str2_mbox);
$srv_sentmail = $str2_mbox_arr[1];
// {imap_host:143}INBOX.Sent Mail
if($srv_sentmail == $BSX_SENTMAIL_NAME) $sent_mail_ok = 1;
if(!$sent_mail_ok) { // create the sent mail
// and reload the other mailboxes
$other_list = $imap->lstmbox($BSX_MDIR . "%");


if(empty($other_list) && $stype != 3) {
$other_list = $imap->lstmbox($BSX_MDIR . "%");
if(!$other_list) return false;

for($mbox_cnt = 1 ; $mbox_cnt <= count($other_list) ; $mbox_cnt++) {
$j = $mbox_cnt - 1;
if(!$imap->reopbox2($other_list[$j])) return array();
$other_info = $imap->mboxinfo();
$other_arr = explode($sep, $other_info->Mailbox);
if($stype == 3) { // courier
$other2_arr = explode(".", $other_arr[1]);
$tmp_name = "";
$glue = "";
for($k = 1; $k < count($other2_arr) ; $k++) {
$tmp_name .= $glue . $other2_arr[$k];
$glue = ".";
} else {
$j = count($other_arr) - 1;
$tmp_name = $other_arr[$j];
$mboxes[$mbox_cnt]["name"] = imap_utf7_decode($tmp_name);
$total["unread"] += $mboxes[$mbox_cnt]["unread"] = $other_info->Unread;
$total["msg"] += $mboxes[$mbox_cnt]["nmsgs"] = $other_info->Nmsgs;
$total["size"] += $mbox_size = $other_info->Size;
$mboxes[$mbox_cnt]["size"] = convert_size($mbox_size);
return $mboxes;

function empty_folder($mbox) {
global $BSX_MDIR, $imap;

if(strtoupper($mbox) != "INBOX") {
$bsx_mbox = $BSX_MDIR . $mbox;
} else $bsx_mbox = "Inbox";

$mbox_info = $imap->mboxinfo();
$mbox_nmsgs = $mbox_info->Nmsgs;

$seq = "1";
for($i = 2 ; $i <= $mbox_info->Nmsgs ; $i++) $seq .= ",$i";

if(!$imap->setflg($seq, "\\Deleted")) return false;
return true;

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