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Thursday, December 6, 2007


| BasiliX - Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Murat Arslan |
| Contributions from: |
| Mike Peters |

// SMTP connection to send mail
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// note1:
// the error messages in fact are only for the system admins since
// endusers are not interested in the RCPT or the DATA requests.
// so, after configuring the SMTP_HOSTS for the domains, check them
// by sending a mail to yourself.
// --
// so if you get a feedback like "hey i cant send my mail. it said
// _RCPT TO error_", then check this file out.
// --
// note2:
// Another error code is -104 which is about switching to DATA transfer
// mode. If the server replied 503 RCPT first (or something like that)
// it is about "invalid" email addresses which are used to pass to "RCPT TO"
// command. We need a "isEmail" javascript or something like that to check
// the e-mail addresses whether they are valid or not just before the user
// hits the send the mail button.
// --
class SMTP {
var $socket = "";
var $host = "";
var $port = 25;
var $error = "";
var $errno = "";
var $errserver = "";
var $timeout = 15; // enough?
var $debug = 0;

function SMTP($h) {
$this->host = $h;
$this->error = $this->errno = $this->socket = $this->errserver = "";

// toggle debugging
function togdebug() {
$this->debug = 0;
$this->debug = 1;

// debug - print output if debugging
function ifdebug($m) {
if($this->debug) {
echo "DEBUG: " . htmlspecialchars(rtrim($m)) . "

// send a data to the socket
function senddata($data) {
if(empty($data)) return true;
if(!@fputs($this->socket, $data, strlen($data))) {
$this->errno = -100;
$this->error = "unable to send data to $this->host:$this->port";
return false;
return true;

// read data from socket
function readdata() {
$data = "";
while(1) {
if(feof($this->socket)) return 0;
$data .= @fgets($this->socket, 128);


$len = strlen($data);
if($len > 2 && substr($data, $len - 2, 2) == "\r\n") {
$line = substr($data, 0, $len - 2);
return $data;

// can i be your friend?
function verify($code) {
while(($data = $this->readdata())) {
$mcode = strtok($data, " ");
if(strlen($mcode) == 3) {
if($mcode == $code) return true;
$this->errserver = $data;
return false;
$this->errserver = $data;
return false;

// connect to the smtp host
function connect() {
global $REMOTE_ADDR;
$this->ifdebug("Connecting to $this->host:$this->port, timeout is $this->timeout seconds.");
$i = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, &$errno, $error, $this->timeout);
if(!$i) {
$this->error = $error;
$this->errno = $errno;
return $errno;
$this->socket = $i;

if(!$this->verify(220) || !$this->senddata("HELO $REMOTE_ADDR\r\n") || !$this->verify(250)) {
$this->error = "the server didnot take notice at my greeting (HELO $REMOTE_ADDR)";
$this->errno = -101;
$this->socket = "";
return 0;
return 1;

function disconnect() {
$this->socket = "";
return true;

// send the MAIL FROM data
function mailfrom($f) {
if(!$this->senddata("MAIL FROM: " . $f . "\r\n") || !$this->verify(250)) {
$this->errno = -102;
$this->error = "the server didnot send the 250 OK string to my MAIL FROM request";
return false;
return true;

// Send the RCPT TO Data
function rcptto($a) {
if(!$this->senddata("RCPT TO: <$a>\r\n") || !$this->verify(250)) {
$this->errno = -103;
$this->error = "RCPT TO error for $a";
return false;
return true;

// send all the recipients to the server
function rcptall($all) {
for($j = 0 ; $j < count($all) ; $j++) {
return false;
return true;

// start sending the mail data
function startdata() {
if(!$this->senddata("DATA\r\n") || !$this->verify(354)) {
$this->errno = -104;
$this->error = "cannot switch to DATA transfer mode";
return false;
return true;

// stop, tell mta to send the mail now
function stopdata() {
if(!$this->senddata(".\r\n") || !$this->verify(250)) {
$this->errno = -105;
$this->error = "cannot _end_ the data transfer";
return false;
return true;

// launch another command, maybe?
function mycmd($cmd, $ret) {
if(!$this->senddata($cmd) || !$this->verify($ret)) {
$this->errno = -106;
$this->error = "the command $cmd didnot return $ret";
return false;
return true;

// receive the errno/msg
function geterr(&$error, $srverr) {
$error = $this->error;
$srverr = $this->errserver;
return $this->errno;

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